On this horrible July rainy,cacky,poopy,wet,cloudy,pitter pattery Friday, I thought I would cheer myself up with a little Wishlist Friday post.
This is simply, me listing things I want, not things im necessarily going to get, but things im tempted to get, ummming and ahhhing about, or generally lusting after.
It's my 21st in October and whenever it comes to Birthdays people go 'oooh Emily what do you want?' and I know in my head there's loads of jazzy things I want but they don't come to the surface and in a moment of madness I go 'ahh, nothing I'll just have the money purdy please'. Then, my birthday money gets flitted on everyday things like nandos, cinammon rolls, petrol and chewing gum (just a random sample there! LOL), when infact I could've had nice things i've been lusting after all year.
to resolve this issue each time i've thought of something I want but it's a bit to treatified or luxurious or unnecessary to warrant buying for myself, I have noted it down on my iphone in order to create myself a list of things I can answer that fatal question with.
I've just realised how self-righteous this post sounds right now. BBBBBBBUTT, my intention obviously is not to force all my lovely friends and family into buying me these things, I know I wont get the majority of them but it's just there so people who need guidance when buying me gifts (AKA boyfee, my brother and my dad)have some inspiration.
as this list grows, ima take you guys along with it. There is a high, well sky high, chance I will buy these things for myself anyway. I am a sucker and a weakling when it comes to spending and self discipline, and often take the 'f*** it' approach.
So here's this months bunch...
Left to Right, Top to Bottom
1.Tory Burch Iphone Case
I've been eyeing these up for a while now but I've never settled on a design, however I love this white one with the gold logo. It's simple and chic which is hard to find in a phone cover as the majority I have found tend to be awfully tacky and garish.
2.Marc Jacobs Rose Gold Turnlock Earrings
Mmmmmm Rose Gold. I love rose gold. These would match my MK watch superbly! I love the turnlock logo and yeah, they would look pretty in my ears :)
3. Wildfox Couture Blue/Grey Cross Jumper
You may have read in my last post about my love for Wildfox and how I have been scouring about for jumpers and vests from them. I particularly love this top, this is my favourite jumper shape from them, with the ragged torn bottom and I also love the print. I do like the star print and the heart jumper but there a bit too exciting and in your face for my simplistic taste. However, I doubt I will ever own this as it retails as £100+ and im not sure I could ever justify that for a jumper.
4.Diamante Converse
Tacky but casual but cool but comfy. These are just a juxtaposition in themselves. They are tacky looking but I do have a soft spot for Diamantes, I don't know where it came from and why it's there but every now and again I sneakily purchase something covered in little cheap korean gems, much to the distaste of everyone I know. I do want some converse for more dressed down days and when i'm at uni, but im not fond of being overly casual so the diamante's kinda dress it up, in a WAG style manor.
5.Yankee Candles
I love Yankee Candles! They are the only air freshners I will use in my car (currently im loving the coconut bay vent sticks!!!). I have a few candles that are nearly burnt out and I really want some more as Yankee Candles smell YUMMMY!! My favourite flavours are Vanilla Cupcake and Strawberry Buttercream
6.YSL Faux Cils Shocking Mascara
I have heard rave reviews about YSL mascaras from everyone that has used one! The packaging on them is also delightfully chic and pretty. I hear that this is meant to be the crem de la crem of YSL mascaras!! I naturally have long lashes so I am a mascara junkie! Im off to France early in August so I may pick one up at the duty free as a holiday treat.
7. Marc Jacobs Rose Gold Turnlock Ring
This matches the earrings and I love the chain design. I've never been into wearing rings but recently i've really been enjoying them so I'm looking to expand my collection.
8.Alpha H Liquid Gold
I have heard loads of product raves about this in the blogging circuit and it sounds amazing. My skin is very acne scarred and prone to spots, which is something this claims to target. This is definitely an ummer and ahher, as the price tag is £30 a pop, which to me is expensive for skincare!!
this month I have been looking at lots of deals on Groupon, Kgb and wowcher for microdermabrasion. I have never tried this treatment before, but i'm intrigued to see how it works and it sounds like something that would be extremely benefiticial to my skin. I don't know anyone that has ever had it done so I would love to hear if any of you have experienced it or know anyone who has, and any opinions on the treatment.
Thanks for Reading